Monday, December 23, 2019

Choosing Your Electricity and Gas Provider: 4 Factors to Consider

Whether you’re moving to a new location or simply looking for a new energy plan, you will need to do some research to find the best provider for your requirements. In this post, we will discuss 4 factors you should consider when selecting your new energy supplier.

1. Pricing
No matter which service you’re looking for, its price should be one of the first things you consider before purchasing. When it comes to electricity, the market can be extremely volatile. To protect yourself from sky-high energy bills, look for a supplier who offers fixed-rate plans. This will ensure that your energy bills remain constant despite the highs and lows of the energy market.

Another factor you should consider is cancellation fees. Some energy provider charge cancellation fees on termination of a contract. However, it’s unlikely that a reputable energy provider will impose such charges.

2. Reputation
Price should not be the only factor in making your decision when choosing the optimal energy provider. You can go through energy providers’ websites to research their reputation and background. Furthermore, you can check out customer forums and reviews to learn more about a company’s reputation. For instance, AGL Electricity has built a reputation as a reliable energy provider.

3. Range of Services
Subscribing to separate providers for different energy needs can be expensive and tough to manage. In such cases, it would be suitable to choose an energy company that offers a wide range of services. From electricity to natural gas to renewable energy, look for a provider that offers a variety of services. For example, Energy Australia offers a comprehensive range of products and services.

4. Customer Service
If you ever experience a problem or have a question about your service, you will need to interact with your provider. For instance, if you experience a power outage in the middle of the night,you will not want to be waiting for several days until you get electricity.In such situations, your electricity provider should respond immediately and provide a quick resolution.This is why you should look for a company that offers 24/7 customer service.
Furthermore, you should also observe how a company responds to your initial enquiries. Was the customer service you received friendly and helpful or curt and impatient?

In conclusion, take your time to research and compare various energy providers. You can also utilise a comparison website to find the most affordable plan for your home or business.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

3 ways to save electricity and save the environment

Many inventions and technologies have been produced for the good of humankind as well as improved the comfort of the daily routine in life. Although, with every invention there comes a cost. We pay the cost of polluting the earth and disturbing the environment.

Thus, it is important to take some steps for saving the environment. There are a lot of different ways through which we can contribute in saving our planet Earth. The most effective one is by saving energy and electricity. A little adjustment can actually go a long way.

When you save energy, you indirectly save your money as well. This is because you will see a drop in your energy bills. It is wise to use automated systems which actually shut down on their own when not in use. Apart from that, you can also compare energy plans from different providers to choose in a wiser way.

Adjust your daily behaviour

You do not have to buy expensive energy efficient products to save. Just switch off the appliances and lights when you are not using it. You can also try and do certain things manually like letting your clothes air dry instead of using the machine dryer.

Change your light bulbs

The traditional light bulbs actually consume excessive amounts of electricity. Instead, switch to compact fluorescent lights, halogen incandescent bulbs and light emitting diode bulbs, which use 25% to 80% less electricity. It saves your bill and environment both. Alternatively, you can check cheapest electricity nsw plans for further reduction in your bill.

Switch to smart power strips

Appliances use a certain amount of energy even when they are switched off or are in standby mode. This is a complete waste of energy. Smart power strips actually eliminate the issue of phantom loads by not letting the appliances consumer power when they are turned off.